A Gaian Chronology: the first 33 years 1958 Redfield article in the American Scientist 1960? Lovelock develops the electron capture detector 1962 Rachel Carson publishes The Silent Spring 1964? Lovelock studies Martian atmosphere 1967? Golding names Gaia hypothesis 1969 Lovelock presents Gaia hypothesis, Princeton NJ 1972 Lovelock's first paper on Gaia theory 1975 Sellers and Meadows paper on albedo/climate history 1976 Lovelock begins writing first book on Gaia 1978 Watson's thesis on fire ecology 1979 Lovelock's first book on Gaia Watson and Lovelock, Daisyworld 1983 Cosmos conference, Aix. 1984 First Biosphere Conference, Oracle AZ (RHA sees Lovelock simulation of Daisyworld) 1988 Lovelock's second book on Gaia 1991 Lovelock's third book on Gaia