WHAT IS IT? ----------- Market Rev 9.0 rev 03a, 08 Febryary 2007, by Ralph Abraham and Dan Friedman. This is the basic version of a NetLogo model for financial markets. Further background may be found at www.vismath.org/research/landscapedyn. The "frequency" chooser determines how many steps in a year. Each manager's choice of strategy, u, and each manager's portfolio worth, z, is updated at the end of each step. On pressing the "setup" botton, a number (set by the "population" slider) of managers are created at random in a small window of the graphic display window, with center set by slider "center" (in percent). On pressing "go", simulation begins, and continues until "go" is pressed again. CREDITS AND REFERENCES ---------------------- Many thanks to Uri Wilensky for his cleverness and industry, to the NSF for support, and to our team: Pablo Viotti, Don Carlisle, and Andy Sun. Ralph Abraham and Dan Friedman